Thursday, November 11, 2004

Progress Report Day 10

Yesterday was day ten, and the first time I was under the 1700 word quota. I only managed a measly 506 words, but it kept the counter ticking over and I have enough buffer space to have a few slack days if necessary.

The story seems otbe going ok. I have been stumped a few times of where to go next, and there is a mild concern forming that I'm a little too close to the anticipated finish line for day ten. In first draft mode I am very light on description - especially places and people, so a lot of events have been happening in very few words.

Ah well, if I finish in under 50 000 words I guess I'll have to start rewriting! Still under half way though and there's no guarantees I'll make the 50 000 at all. No matter what happens I'm quite amazed by how much can be written in a such a small amount of time. It makes the amount I've written in the last few years seem miniscule for the time it took to author it.


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